学习路径 Learning Path

Dot Connections Growth Centre Limited (DC) is dedicated to the propagation of the Buddhadhamma and the application of that Dhamma to improve a person’s mental wellbeing, by conducting courses based upon the Buddhadhamma in Chinese and English languages.
Learning Path section shows
* three courses on Buddhadhamma and
* two courses on Buddhist counselling:
1. FFGL (佛法概论 an advanced course on Buddhadhamma based on the book by the same title written by Master Yinshun)
As this course is taught by Venerable Zong Heng 宗恒法师 from Taiwan and provides detailed explanation of Agama, a collection of early Buddhist texts similar to Nikaya in Pali Canon,it does not fit in the schematic diagram of progression path of basic courses shown in the section Learning Path.
2. JXJY (佛陀觉醒的教育 The Teaching of the Buddha’s Awakening)
3. IBF ( 佛教基础课程 Introduction to Buddhist Fundamentals)
JXJY and IBF are introductory courses in Buddhadhamma for beginners providing a foundation for further study in Buddhism or in the two Buddhist counselling courses offered by Dot Connections. Both courses are based on the teaching of the Buddha in early Indian Buddhism, even though they are taught in difference languages
4. BBCC (佛教辅导基础课程 Basic Buddhist Counselling Course)
JXJY leading to BBCC is a natural progression, although students who have taken other Buddhadhamma courses could be admitted to BBCC.
5. DBPC (佛教心理治疗与辅导文凭课程 Diploma in Buddhist Psychotherapy and Counselling)
Students may be admitted to DBPC after taking
* IBF or other Buddhadhamma courses or
* BBCC or other introductory course in counselling.
为什么开办《佛教基础课程》(Introduction to Buddhist Fundamentals)?
Introduction to Buddhist Fundamentals (IBF)《佛教基础课程》的主题和内容与定融法师教授的《佛陀觉醒的教育》一致,是依据初期印度佛教教义编排,重点阐述以人为本的佛教,注重自力而非他力,无常缘起观和四圣谛的教义。
上完《佛教基础课程》,打好佛学基础,就能进修更深的佛学课程,或者进修圆点中心主办的《佛教心理治疗与辅导文凭课程》(Diploma in Buddhist Psychotherapy and Counselling),学习佛教辅导。