佛法课程 Dhamma Courses

1. 佛陀觉醒的教育 Certificate in Dhamma Studies (Chinese)




课程分二阶段开办, 「初阶」 与「进阶」简易说明:
•初阶 一适合未曾上过任何佛学课程 或 有意复习基本佛学知识者。
•进阶 一 适合曾上过基础佛学课程 或 具有基本佛学知识者报。

课程日期 Course Schedule
此《佛陀觉醒的教育》课程将分为二个阶级开办: 1.初阶 与 2.进阶
1. 初阶 – 适合从没有上过任何佛学课程或完全没有佛学知识者报读。
2024年 03月 01日 至 04月 20日
2. 进阶 – 适合曾上过基础佛学课程或具有基本佛学知识者报读。
2024年 05月 08日 至 06月 22日
3. 特备 -《佛教教育座谈会》2024年 05月 25日 至 05月 26日 (10:00am – 5:00pm)




课程详情 Course Details

主办:圆点心宁中心 Dot Connections Growth Centre Limited
联络:8501 4365 | www.dc.org.sg | dceventreg@gmail.com
媒介:Zoom 系统下载:https://zoom.us/download (需自行安排电脑与网络)
赞助费:$80 (16岁以下学生与60岁以上年长者可随喜赞助)

《额外补充讲义》 另附

课程讲师 Lecturer:
定融法师持有英国大学的心理学荣誉学位,以及澳洲大学的专业辅导硕士学位。法师过去十几年曾到过 多个国家从事教学工作,培训与参学。法师是圆点心宁中心的发起人兼导师,也担任新加坡佛教总会的理事及本地佛教团体的顾问及佛学院讲师。

课程讲师 Lecturer:


定融法师持有英国大学的心理学荣誉学位,以及澳洲大学的专业辅导硕士学位。法师过去十几年曾到过 多个国家从事教学工作、培训与参学。法师是圆点心宁中心的发起人兼导师,也担任新加坡佛教总会的理事及本地佛教团体的顾问及佛学院讲师。

2. FFGL (佛法概论 an advanced course on Buddha dhamma)

本课程由台湾的宗恒法师教授,延续2019年8月份 的教学内容,以印顺导师的《佛法概论》为教本,分别说明完整佛法的三大内容:一是释尊所说,根本的法,二是诸佛常法、入佛法相的佛法,三是世间微妙善语,融贯旁通的佛法。修学佛法,需具备信解行证;这是每一个学佛者,真诚倾向于法,如实体现于法的实践。这正是本课程,期许带给所有参与学员的目标所在。

宗恒法师曾于1991年前往斯里兰卡,学习早期印度佛教与巴利语。 之后,于1994年前往美国,于1998 年毕业于美国西雅图华盛顿大学, 主修早期印度佛教与梵语。为了使传承佛陀智慧的教法,如实地为芸芸众生所理解,并确实奉行,法师 除了在台湾各地的佛学院、寺院, 与居士团体讲学之外,更积极从事早期印度佛教经典---阿含经的现代化。法师编译有《佛陀的教法---中阿含经》全套七册,已 于2002年出版,以及《佛陀的教 法---杂阿含经》全套〸二册, 已于2012年出版。。

⽇期: (共15堂课) 2023年7⽉24⽇开始
星期六、星期⽇,下午 2:00 – 4:00 29/7;30/7;5/8;6/8;12/8;13/8
星期⼀、三、四,晚上 7:30 – 9:30 24/7;26/7;27/7;31/7;2/8;3/8
7/8;9/8;10/8 举办:圆点⼼宁中⼼
28, Lengkong Dua, Singapore 417705 (从Kembangan 景万岸地铁站步⾏约7分钟)



$80 (包括《佛法概论》课本**,教材及讲义)

若有疑问, 可联系课程负责⼈敏疆(8501 4365)
联系:dceventreg@gmail.com | 8501 4365

3. IBF - (佛教基础课程 Introduction to Buddhist Fundamentals)

The aim of this course is to provide participants the fundamental understanding and appreciation of the subject of Buddhism. It is assumed that students will have no or limited prior knowledge of Buddhist fundamentals and this course aims to provide students with an opportunity to increase their awareness and knowledge of the basics of Buddhism.

Upon completion of the course, students can:
a. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles and various doctrines of Buddhism.
b. Develop the ability to discern the teachings of the Buddha as documented in the Pali Canon and in the context of Early Buddhism against the many
cosmetics that enwrapped them through the passage of time.
c. Evaluate those teachings as a better-informed person.
d. Be brought to a position to decide whether or not to pursue further studies in Buddhist related subjects.
e. Decide upon selecting one of the various Buddhist traditions to continue their studies, training and practice of Buddhism.
f. Demonstrate an ability to evaluate critically the various teachings of the Buddha and apply them to their own personal value and belief systems.
g. Be equipped with basic Buddhist knowledge required to pursue Diploma in
Buddhist Psychotherapy and Counselling course.

The delivery of the course contents shall be online via Zoom. The medium of
delivery will be in English language.

The total course will be conducted over a period of approximately three months (12 lessons).
Lessons will be conducted on a weekly basis of two hours per week on Fridays from 7.30 to 9.30 pm.

LESSON 1: Life of the Buddha
Here the life of the historical Buddha is disclosed. Commencing from his descent on earth from Tusita Heaven to his birth as Prince Siddhatta, traces his early years, his observation of the four great sights; his renunciation; asceticism; enlightenment; his ministry; his final journey and death.

LESSON 2: Essence of Buddhism – an overview
Explanation of the key concepts in Buddhism; realms of existence; deva and heaven as against equivalent in other religions; Buddhism is atheist and denies the existence of god the creator; concept of kamma and rebirth in the realms of existence; emphasis on Sila and wholesome actions for each sentient being to take individual responsibility; focus on teaching dhamma to eradicate suffering; triple gem as the framework to propagate dhamma; outline the roadmap of study in subsequent lessons.

LESSON 3: The Triple Gem and Buddhist Practice in social setting
Explanations on the formation of the sangha; the sramana (wandering ascetic) traditions; the qualities of the Buddha, the dhamma and the sangha; seeking refuge; becoming a Buddhist; the five, eight and ten precepts.

The concept of determinism against causal relations; Buddhist moral values; social and ethical considerations to community and society living; concepts of reward and punishment.

LESSON 4: The teaching of the Buddha –Four Noble Truths
Understand the unsatisfactory nature of existence – dukkha (unsatisfactoriness) and its manifestation, its causes, its cessation and the way leading to its cessation.  Understand the duty associated with each Truth and how absolute happiness can be achieved through one’s own effort.

LESSON 5: The teaching of the Buddha –Noble Eightfold Path
The Noble Eightfold Path – the threefold training of morality, concentration and wisdom; explanation of each skilful factor in the Path and their association to spiritual quest; their relationships and applications to daily living.

LESSON 6: Buddhist meditation
Why do we need to meditate? Is meditation important to the practice and my spiritual progress?  Can I still find the higher happiness of peace and tranquility without meditation? This lesson will answer these essential doubts and queries.

LESSON 7: Buddhist theory of Kamma, Death & Rebirth
How is this kamma generated?  Understand what exactly is kamma and how it effected and will continue to affect our lives and future lives.  The doctrine of kamma (cause and effect) is about understanding the law of nature and is a crucial topic to have right view of as a practicing Buddhist. Confusion with fatalism (a belief that all events are predetermined) has to be avoided. This lesson will attempt to give you a scientific explanation of kamma and rebirth.

LESSON 8: The teachings of the Buddha –Twelve Links of Dependent Origination and the Five Aggregates
The 12 links (paticca samuppada) – the doctrine of dependent origination –the concept of the twelve links and their relationship to everyday living; the concept of causal relations of events.

Composition of the person in terms of mind and matter – the five aggregates (panca khaddhas); discussion on the concept of matter, sensation, perception, mental factors and consciousness; the relationship and appreciation of the five aggregates to daily living situations.

LESSON 9: The teachings of the Buddha –Three Characteristics of Existence
The three characteristics of existence (ti-lakkhana) – concept of anicca (impermanence), dukkha (unsatisfactoriness) and anatta (insubstantiality); they are the fundamental features of every conditioned reality; what strategy one should employ to overcome samsaric suffering accordingly.

LESSON 10: Historical expansion of Buddhism
The first, second and third Buddhist council; reasons for the council and their results; Ven Mahinda’s journey to Sri Lanka.

Discussion on the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions; their formations and basic beliefs; the value of chanting, prayers and visualizations; their spread to the West and influence on practitioners.

LESSON 11: Relevance of Buddhism in the modern world
Buddhism and the modern world; how world leaders see the relevance of Buddhism; relevance of Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Paths; their application for the betterment of life through a case study.

LESSON 12: Buddhist ontology & Buddhist Text
The history and concept of religion; discussion on spiritual paths against religious paths; monotheism, monism and pantheism; atheism: religion vs. spirituality.

The Tipitaka – the Vinaya, the Sutta and the Abhidhamma books; brief introductions of the text.

Buddhadhamma, Dhamma theory

  1. Usual support fees: $120.
  2. Early Bird fees: $100
    if an applicant registers and pays 4 weeks before course starts.
  3. Student fees: $80
    if an applicant provides proof of being currently enrolled in a course in a Junior College, ITE, Polytechnic or University in Singapore.